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Finalised Monoprints!... And a fail.

Here are my finalised mono prints for the first assessment task! I began with covering the acetate with a water based ink and then attempting to print over one of my prints (which I had done with the print press at school). The results were pretty disappointing. This wasn't just because it didn't print as vibrant as it I wanted it too, but also because the blue and the red was too cool toned, I needed to use warmer based pigments for it to be aesthetically pleasing. I feel like a ruined a good print. It isn't that bad and it produced an iteresting result, but it doesn't work as a series with the rest of the prints. But at least I learnt from it.

Here is the finished result of the rest of the prints. I am happy with how they turned out and I feel like they work well as a series and accurately convey the message that I am attempting to convey. When my dad walked on me making them he straight away said they were childlike, which is exactly the mental place I am attempting to depict. They also look a little bit like eye floaties, which is also a concept that has interested me for a while. The only issue I have with the works is that the work on the left contains the use of a cool blue, which annoys me a bit. I used a stipple technique with a stencil on the works, as well as experimenting with string coated in ink.

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